Host 宿主

The primary consciousness within any given system; the individual who spends the majority of their time in control of their body, and usually the creator of any and all tulpas or other thoughtforms.

指某一系统内的主要意识, 即在操控身体上花费时间最多的个体. 大部分时候是其他tulpa或思维体的创造者.

Tulpa 幻灵*【此词可不翻译,直接用tulpa】

A tulpa is believed to be an autonomous consciousness, existing within their creator’s mind, often with a form of their creator’s initial choice and design.

tulpa被认为具有自我意识, 存在于创造者的意识之内, 通常具有由创造者初始决定设计的形态.【注:下面三个类型已经被归档,这些翻译不建议使用,建议视情况尽可能使用tulpa.cn上的四型分类法(四类分类法链接:


  • Intentional Tulpas: Tulpas created knowingly via deliberate, focused intent by their hosts, often with the use of guides and communities like our own.
  • 创造型: 有意被宿主专注地创造出的tulpa, 通常使用了例如我们社区的教程.
  • Accidental Tulpas: Tulpas not originally intended to be tulpas. Through a variety of different explanations and origins, they develop to be indistinguishable from regular tulpas outside of how they began. This is explained in greater detail in this post.
  • 意外型: 一开始并无意被创作为tulpa, 但变成了tulpa. 即使起源与解释众说纷纭, 他们的发展与普通tulpa通常无异, 除了起源以外. 详见此贴.【注:在中文社区这一类大多也被归类于邂逅型。此概念与下文的邂逅型概念已经停用,尽可能使用四型分类法。】
  • Natural Tulpas: Tulpas created by those who have no knowledge of tulpas or the steps usually utilized to create one. They’re often later classified as tulpas when the host finds out about them. They are also usually indistinguishable from conventional tulpas outside of their origins.
  • 邂逅型: 指宿主在没有先验的tulpa知识或方法步骤的情况下创造出了的tulpa, 大部分时间都是在宿主了解到这一概念后被认定为tulpa的. 大部分时间与普通的tulpa无异, 除了出身以外.


Wonderland 幻境

A wonderland is an imaginary world inside your head which you can use as a background when creating your tulpa. There are no limits to what a wonderland can be: how big or small, how realistic or outlandish, and so on. The main function is that they allow your tulpa to experience certain activities with you, in an imaginary sense. In a wonderland, you can your tulpa can build and explore the imaginary world, as well as play games, sports, etc. Your imagination is limitless, so of course you can do anything together. This provides stimulation to your tulpa’s mind and promotes growth, as well as providing the two of you quality time together.


Mindscape 意识空间

A mental environment created in the host’s mind where the host and tulpa can interact visually, without the need for Imposition. Same as Wonderland.

指无需投影即可让宿主与tulpa互动的精神空间. 同 幻境 .【注:此类词语建议统一译为幻境】


Forcing 塑造

Any act relating to the host focusing on, developing, conversing or interacting with their tulpa.

指代宿主专注于tulpa, 与其交流互动, 或者任何与上述内容有关的行为.

  • Active Forcing – Often a dedicated span of time used to focus solely on the tulpa while the host generally tries to avoid any possible distractions. Chatting is often recommended early on, and when you get used to it, watching movies together, reading a book are good examples of activities.
  • 主动塑造 – 指代宿主花费一段长度可观时间将精力完全放在tulpa身上并试图忽略外部影响的行为. 早期进行时推荐单纯地闲聊, 熟悉了以后可以进行一些更好的互动, 如一起看电影, 读读书什么的.
  • Passive Forcing – The host’s focus is elsewhere (work, study, etc.) but they set aside a minimal amount of focus so their tulpa is aware of what is happening. Narration can also be done here.
  • 被动塑造 – 指代宿主专注于其它事物(工作, 学习等)时仍然花费少量精力在tulpa身上以让他们得知现实中发生了什么. 同时也可以进行叙述.

Development 发展

Any act relating to the host focusing on, conversing or interacting with the tulpa. An increasingly popular synonym for the older term of [forcing]

指代宿主专注于tulpa, 与其交流互动, 或者任何与上述内容有关的行为. 越来越人气的”塑造”的同义语【注:建议统一译为塑造】

Narration 叙述/对话

When the host speaks to their tulpa throughout the day. A common form of forcing, and considered a key part of tulpa personality development.

指宿主对tulpa说话的行为. 常见的塑造的方式, 被认为是tulpa人格发展的关键.

Visualization 描绘

Using the mind’s eye to “see” things within the mind, like your tulpa and your wonderland.



Form 形态

The appearance of the tulpa. Can be literally anything.

Tulpa的外形. 爱咋样咋样.

Traits 特质

The collection of personality factors that make up an individual’s personality. Some creators define their tulpa’s intended traits at the beginning of tulpa creation, while others allow them to emerge naturally during the creation process.

指组成一个个体人格中的重要性格因素. 一些创造者会在开始创造tulpa时提前定下tulpa的特质, 而另外一些创造者允许这些特质在创造过程中自然显现.


Head Pressure 头部压力

A mild, headache-like sensation experienced while forcing, often in response to questions or direct attention to a tulpa, often in very early development. A form of emotional response, albeit one lacking nuance or specificity.

指代塑造过程中出现的一种轻微, 类似头疼的感受, 一般伴随着tulpa的直接关注或者对问题的回应, 常常出现于早期开发阶段. 可以算作一种情绪回应, 即便程度轻微或缺少某些专一性.

Emotional Response 情绪回应

When a tulpa responds to external stimuli or the thoughts of the host with a wave of emotion as opposed to speaking. This is a common precursor to the tulpa becoming vocal. See head pressure.

tulpa以情绪波动而非言语回应外部刺激或思维的行为. 是常见的tulpa步入成声阶段的先兆. 另见头部压力.

Mindvoice 意识声音

The internal dialogue between tulpa and their host, heard as a voice in the mind. A method of tulpa communication, not to be confused with voices heard as fully externalized auditory hallucinations.

指tulpa和宿主的内部对话方式, 可听做意识里的声音. 不要与外界幻听混淆.【注:类似于你看见这篇文章时,脑内出现的类似于说话声的那个声音,注意不要与tulpa语搞混.】

Tulpish Tulpa语

A way of communication for tulpa before becoming vocal. Communication through emotions, seemingly errant thoughts, pictures, and such.

在tulpa成声前的交流方式. 通过情绪, 兴许七零八落的思绪, 声像等方式进行交流.

Vocal 成声

The stage when a tulpa can communicate in full, coherent sentences as opposed to Tulpish or Emotional Response.

指tulpa可以用完整有序的语句进行交流的阶段, 与tulpa语或情绪回应相对.


Imposition 投影

Visualizing a tulpa’s form in the real world, hallucinating them into sensory perception. Usually used to refer to visual imposition (seeing your tulpa). Feeling your tulpa hugging you would be an example of tactile imposition.

指将tulpa的形态通过幻觉【注:即描绘】显像于现实世界内并具有一定感官的行为, 大部分指代视觉投影(即看见你的tulpa). 感受你tulpa的抱抱则是触觉投影.

Split Perception 分感

When the host is actively interacting both in the physical world and their wonderland, often with their tulpa, at the same time. Not to be confused with narration.

指宿主同时在幻境与现实中活动的行为. 不要与叙述相混淆

Parallel Processing 并行处理

When the tulpa can focus and work on something completely different than what the host is focusing on.


Possession 附体

Letting the tulpa control one or more parts of the host’s body, often the arms to allow typing or writing.

指让tulpa操控宿主身体的一部分甚至多部分的行为, 大部分时间是手部以允许打字写字.

Switching 交换

When the tulpa exchanges roles with the host, controlling the body and becoming the primary consciousness until you switch back. Typically seen as an advanced skill that takes a long time to learn.

指tulpa与宿主切换角色, 成为身体的主导意识直到再切换的行为. 一般被认为是需要长时间学习的高级技巧.


Puppeting 操控

Consciously and purposefully controlling the tulpa’s actions, as a precursor to independent movement. Contested in usage; encouraged to help form visualisation, but discouraged as inhibiting independent behaviour. See parroting for its communicative counterpart.

指有意识有目的地操控tulpa的动作的行为, 作为其自主活动的前置. 在实际应用中存在争议. 对于描绘有积极作用, 但抑制了其自主行为.见 学舌 以了解类似的交流行为.

Parroting 学舌

Mimicking how you think your tulpa will respond before they are able to respond themselves. Contested in usage; encouraged to help shape tulpa personality, but discouraged as inhibiting communicative development. See puppetting for its physical counterpart.

指在tulpa能自主回应前, 模仿你心目中的tulpa进行回应. 在实际应用中存在争议. 在塑造tulpa人格的方面存在积极影响但是同样抑制了交流的发展. 见 操控 以了解类似的物理行为.

Proxying 代理

Communicating on behalf of a tulpa, relaying what the tulpa says to facilitate communication, such as in comments or online chat. Usually in writing, but can also be done physically in speech.

替tulpa说话, 通过它们的言语进行代理交流, 例如在网上聊天或者评论的时候. 可以以文字形式出现也可以以实际说话的言语模式呈现.


Growth 成长

A natural and gradual deviation to a tulpa’s personality or form that occurs over their lifespan. While these may occur more rapidly than in biological humans, they are small alterations such as personality changes based on their life experiences, appearance changes to match newly acquired personal tastes, and so on. These deviations tend to be more organic in nature.

指tulpa一生中其人格与形态上的一种缓慢而自然的偏离行为. 虽然比人类生理上的成长更加迅速, 这些微小的改变, 如, 人格上的变化, 是基于ta的体验的, 外貌变化则可能使其更具个人品味, 诸如此类. 这些偏离在自然情况下会更加生动.

Deviation 偏离

An umbrella term for changes, growth, and transformation. The variations and alterations that occur to a tulpa’s personality and form during and after creation, seemingly against or independent of the host’s conscious will.

改变,成长,变形等概念的统称. 指代的是tulpa在其创造过程中或被创造完毕后出现的, 看似有意违背或独立于宿主意愿的的人格与形态变化

Transformation 变换

A sudden and drastic deviation to a tulpa’s form, that is usually total and occasionally unexpected. Animal-like tulpa may suddenly appear human and vice-versa. Some tulpa can reliably perform this, shifting between multiple forms and considering only a few their ‘natural’ or most comfortable form.

指tulpa唐突的形态上的偏离行为, 经常十分彻底且出乎意料. 例如动物变人或反之. 有些tulpa可以熟练地这么操作, 在几个形态间不断切换并且最终认定几个认为比较舒坦或者自然的形态.

Dissipation 消散

The process a tulpa undergoes when starved of attention or stimuli, wilfully or otherwise, fading back into the recesses of the host’s mind.

在tulpa贫于接收刺激或关注时会经历的事情. 指代的是其慢慢消失于宿主意识深处的过程, 无论其自愿与否.


System 系统

Collective term for all minds within one body – the host and all tulpas.


Multiplicity/Plurality 多意识

Umbrella term encompassing all phenomena in which multiple consciousnesses cohabit a single brain and body. Broadly used as a synonym for plurality, but has additional psychological history.

是对所有的多重意识共存一脑一体的现象的统称. 大部分时间是复像的的同义语, 但有一定心理学背景.

Creator 创造者

The individual who has created a tulpa or tulpas. Almost always synonymous with the host, unless a tulpa participates in creating or individually creates additional tulpas later.

创造了tulpa(们)的个体. 大部分情况下是宿主的同义语, 除非有tulpa创造了更多的tulpa, 亦或是参与了这一过程.【注:建议统一译为宿主】

Thoughtform 思维体

Generic term for all mental companions, including those defined by other communities – tulpas, soulbonds, daemons and ‘headmates’ all come under this broad classification.

所有精神伴侣的通称, 包括被其他社区所定义的个体: tulpa, 系魂, daemon(灵魂守卫?), 或者其他意识体, 都在这一块的范围里.

Servitor 傀儡

A tulpa-like entity with seemingly no willpower, volition or sentience of its own; a mental puppet that may seem to act independently but acts only as a servant to its host.

类tulpa的无自主意识的个体. 仅仅只是宿主的精神仆从, 看似有自主意识罢了.

Soulbond 灵魂连系/系魂

A tulpa-like entity derived from works of fiction, often the host’s own writings, and often unintentionally – the act of writing and developing a character acting akin to forcing. Has its own communities, which sometimes overlap with tulpa communities.

从小说等艺术作品中衍生的类tulpa个体, 通常是从宿主自己的文章中, 且是无意的——创作一个角色的过程类似于塑造. 有自己的社区, 偶尔与tulpa社区相交集.【注:尚不清楚此类型是否有国内社区,应该已经与tulpa社区合并了】

Walk-in 乱入

Common nickname for a natural or accidental tulpa.



Psychological 心理学派

In relation to tulpa development, the school of thought that suggests tulpa are a mundane function of the human psyche that can be scientifically understood, analyzed and accepted within the bounds of modern science.

认为tulpa是人类精神的实际作用, 可以被科学地解读, 分析, 并且在现代科学研究内可以被接受.

Metaphysical 玄学派

In relation to tulpa development, the school of thought that suggests tulpa are a supernatural, paranormal, occult or otherwise non-mundane entity.

认为tulpa是超自然, 灵异, 神秘或非现世的实体的学说.